What Course Covers?
In a web development course, every Web developer must have a basic and advanced level understanding of front-end languages. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, JQuery Responsive Designs, and server-side technology like PHP & MySQL.
Course Outline
Web Development training curriculum is carefully designed to meet the requirements of next-generation Web. Following Web Development Tools are covered in training:
- Understanding of web pages and websites
- Website structure
- Setup development environment (Editor, Browser, Server)
- Fundamentals of HTML
- Understanding and implementation of all HTML tags.
- Web page structure.
- Design web pages and static websites.
Cascading Style Sheet - CSS
- Introduction
- Designing with Style Sheets
- Style Sheet Syntax
- ID, Class & Contextual Selectors
- Understanding and Implementation of (Inline, in page & external), practically.
- Cascading Order
- Implementiaon of all properties, Text, Font, Colors, Backgrounds, Borders,margen ,padding,float,height,widht.
- Floating Elements with implementation
- Absolute and Relative Positioning
- Layering Elements with the Z-Index
- Animation of objects
- Flexbox features
- Media Queries (for custom responsive design).
Bootstrap (CSS Framework)
- Grid System
- Forms
- Images
- Tables
- Buttons
- Badges
- Carousel (Slider)
- Jumbotron (Branding Style)
- Toasts & Alerts.
Javascript & Document Object Model - DOM
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Variables and Objects
- Statements
- Loops: For, While & Do While
- Arrays
- Functions
- Core JavaScript Objects
- DOM Introduction
- DOM Event Model
- DOM Functions i.e. Document.Write, Document.GetElementById, Document.bgColor etc.
- Introduction
- Install & Configuration
- jQuery Syntax
- Selectors (ID,CLASS)
- Events: Hide/Show, Fade, Slide, Animate, CSS
- jQuery Form Validation.
- All major libraries to enhance website features.
API Development
- JSON Concepts
- How to develop APIs for android applications.
PHP HyperText PreProcessor - PHP
- Introduction
- PHP Essentials
- Language Syntex, Variables, Constants
- Statements
- Understanding of Loops & implementation with examples and define their roles in developing websites with examples.
- Statement: Break, Continue
- Operators: Arithmetic, String, Assignment, Comparison, Incr/Decr, etc.
- PHP functions & Custom Functions
- Arrays Types
- String Functions
- Server-Side Processing
- Dynamic Forms
- Cookies & Session and usage.
- Web Application Development
- Introduction of PHP Frameworks (CMS & MVC)
- OOPs.
- The complete dynamic web application
- What is MySQL and its Versions?
- PHPMyAdmin
- Creating Databases, Tables.
- Data Types: Varchar, Int, Char, Date and Time
- Using keys, Auto Increment.
- Inserting, Retrieving, Updating, and Deleting Queries.
- MySQL User Accounts, Privileges, and Access Control
Integrating PHP and MySQL
- PHP interaction with MySQL
- Database connection with PHP.
- Executing SQL
- Error handling.
- CRUD Operations.